Corporate Strategy is determined and objectives are set at all levels within the organization to support this strategy. It is our policy to ensure that our performance to these objectives is measured and analyzed to ensure improvements in Customer satisfaction, business performance, productivity, relations with suppliers and the competence of our people.

These objectives will provide a basis for improvement and a focus for the Company. They are supported by more specific objectives set at process level to measure the performance of the individual processes.

Specific objectives:-
• To monitor the level of Customer satisfaction so that we have a sound basis for continuous improvement
• To monitor the performance of our business processes so that we can continually improve the efficiency of our operations.
• To continually reduce the level of Non-conformances in our quality management system and in the products and services we provide.
• To continually monitor the performance of our suppliers and subcontractors, as they can contribute significantly to the overall efficiency of the business.
• To ensure that we have competent staff. This is brought about by careful recruitment and by arranging and providing adequate training to develop well trained human resources.

Our quality system is planned to achieve these objectives by setting targets for the performance of our processes. This performance is reviewed at Management Review and other periods as appropriate to the process or situation.